Group Promo – Free and Discounted Books
In the spirit of Halloween, I have some wonderful treats for your TBR list, so stock up on the free and discounted books on offer in the promotions below.
First things first, the Arcadia Saga ebook edition is still on sale, so go grab yourself a copy while the sale is still active. Sale starts at 99c.
1 Week 99C Mega Sale (Multi-Genre)
19+ Free Books (Children and YA)
Also Available:
And Baby Makes Four (Free)
The Chronicles of Agartha: Book 1 The Green Boy (On Sale)
1 Week 99C Mega Sale
The Best Things In Life Are FREE!
19+ FREE Books (Children and YA)

Also Available
And Baby Makes Four
by Lyndell Williams
He was sent to settle a legal dispute, but his attraction to her makes him want more.
An AMBW romance about finding love where you are not supposed to.
The Chronicles of Agartha: Book 1 The Green Boy by Sherif Guirguis
The fate of two worlds rests on the shoulders of a few unsuspecting souls, and it all begins with the journey of a boy who wants to find the truth behind his own existence.