Review: Rules of Attraction by Simone Elkeles
This was, yet again, another enjoyable read from Elkeles. I knew I was going to like it even before I bought the book, as I loved Perfect Chemistry. Elkeles has a way of animating her characters so they feel like real people. The first few chapters didn’t grab me right away, I must admit. It felt like a carbon-copy of Perfect Chemistry from the story right down to the characters. But then I continued reading, and thankfully, the characters started to have more of a presence and I noticed there was a differentiation between these characters and the ones from Perfect Chemistry.
I thought Alex Fuented was hot, but I think I’m Team Carlos right now. There’s something about these brothers that is addictive. Okay, so the story is predictable, but I knew it was going to be before I started reading it, so no quarrels there. I was looking for something fun to read and not necessarily an original concept. So the middle of the book was great. I was glued to my seat and didn’t want to stop reading. The latter half of the book was a little boring and lost my interest slightly. It was also very corny. It just lost its spark towards the end.
Overall, there was enough adrenalin and hot romance to satisfy my appetite, so I very much enjoyed the book. Happy Days!